Next up: cardamom plum jam, nectarine jam and spiced apple butter from Canning For A New Generation by Lisana Krissoff
Monday, September 27, 2010
Next up: cardamom plum jam, nectarine jam and spiced apple butter from Canning For A New Generation by Lisana Krissoff
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The fail post
So, I'll give you a picture of the basil that I made the pesto from. (I made 3 cups of pesto for the freezer and leftover for dinner) Believe it or not, I just thinned out the basil. I still have boatloads more. Anyone want some?
And the running update: I walked for 1 mile with the dogs this morning, dropped them home, and went for my run. I made it 4 miles, but I swear that multiple body parts were complaining. My countdown to the half marathon is 2 months and 9 days. Wish me luck.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Dog Toys Update...
In other news, the dog cookies were a HUGE hit. I made 8 dozen peanut butter cookies and 6 dozen turkey egg and cheese cookies. Sold out, with requests today at church for the recipes. I am baking another batch of the turkey egg and cheese cookies for my girls, as they're a huge hit at home too. :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
All hope abandon, ye who enter here...
Here's your cast of scallywags, I mean ingredients:
* 1 yellow cake mix (can be made with gluten free cake mix. My neighbor is gluten intollerant, so that's how I make it when I bring it over for dessert)
* 4 eggs
* 1/2 stick butter (or half cup oil if you're dairy free)
* 1 package instant vanilla pudding
* 1/2 cup of rum (I like dark rum, but feel free to use whatever kind you like or may have on hand)
* 2/3 cup water
* 1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Combine all ingredients, except chopped pecans if you're using them, in a large mixing bowl and mix with electric mixer for 4 minutes, until there are no lumps.
Grease and flour a bundt pan. If you're using the nuts, sprinkle them in the bundt pan. Pour batter in to pan. Bake for 50 minutes.
1/4 cup rum
1/2 cup water
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 stick butter
Combine in sauce pan. Slowly bring to a boil, and let boil for 3 minutes.
Pour the glaze on to the cake while it's still in the pan and is warm. So Miz, this 'tis for you, a slice o' cake with a wee bit o' grog in it. Enjoy!
Yum. Well you didn't expect me not to taste it and make sure it was good enough for other people to eat, did you? I would never be that thoughtless... ;-)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I remember
It was pure and utter chance that my husband and I weren't in town on 9/11. We were on a rare vacation, driving through Texas and Florida. That day we were in a small motel in Tampa, with plans to drive up to Atlanta that day to visit a friend. We woke up, turned on the Today Show, and saw that a plane had hit one of the towers. They were still reporting that they thought it was a small commuter plane. My husband worked near the towers, and he immediately called in to his office to find out how every one was. He was on the phone with his colleagues, watching the television, when he saw the second plane coming he started screaming at them to get away from the windows. His co-workers said that the plane flew so close to their building that the building shook.
We joined other guests in the lobby restaurant for a very somber breakfast. Everyone was glued to the television. We watched with horror when the third plane hit the Pentagon. We cried at the horrific, staggering loss of life. We reassured our family, friends, and business associates who called us that we were okay, that we were, amazingly enough, not in town.
Last night I woke up at 3.15 am. My husband was still up, watching one of the programs on 9/11. Nine years later and he is still deeply affected by that day. Nine years later and I still picture when I looked out the motel door to the car and saw him collapsed on the ground, sobbing. I remember our first sight of the trails of smoke rising from lower Manhattan. I remember the burning smell in the city for weeks afterwards. I remember the hundreds of pictures of missing people posted at the New Jersey Waterways ferry terminal and Port Authority. I remember how my husband had to get police escort to lower Manhattan to get our car out of the parking garage where we'd stored it while we were away. I remember seeing the soldiers and police armed with rifles at the bridge and tunnel crossings. I remember freaking out one month later because there was a forbidden truck on the lower level of the GWB when it was bumper to bumper traffic and a police car with its sirens blasting was pushing through traffic behind us. I remember thinking it was going to happen again, that day, any day.
I remember.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Well that was different
So today I thought I'd try baking black bean brownies. I'd heard of them, but never tried them. Here goes.
1 15 oz can of black beans, rinsed and drained
3 eggs
3 T vegetable oil
1/4 c. cocoa powder
1 pinch salt
1/2 t backing powder
1 t vanilla
3/4 c sugar (I used Splenda)
1 t instant coffee
Preheat oven to 350. Grease 8x8 baking pan
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Pour mixture into the prepared baking pan and bake for 30 minutes.
The verdict: I'm not sure. Maybe I was too heavy handed on the coffee crystals, maybe it's because I used Splenda instead of sugar and they have that Splenda aftertaste. Maybe it's because I wanted something more like the brownies I had last night. They were easy to make, out of things I have in my pantry, and they're full of fiber. Other versions of the recipe have you using lots of butter and melting unsweetened chocolate. Maybe I'll give them a try. I wanted something really good to bring to the church auction next weekend that a friend, who's both celiac and can't eat anything with casein in it, could enjoy. Maybe she'd like these. I guess I'll have to bring her some on Sunday and find out!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lemon Chiffon Cupcakes
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Versatile Blogger Award

1. I have a watermelon growing in my bed at the community garden.
2. I'm hooked on the True Blood series and the Sookie Stackhouse books.
3. My guilty pleasure is ready trashy romance books (note: the Sookie Stackhouse books don't fall in to the trashy category).
4. I have signed up to run a half marathon in Dallas this December.
5. I love to cook.
6. I'm too much of a mush to watch sad programs on Animal Planet, and the Sarah McLachlan ads and the ones with David Duchovny doing the voice-over just get me. (My two furbabies are rescues and I love them to bits)
7. I went to school in D.C., and some of my twitter pals are alums of the same school.
Now, I get to nominate new bloggers for this award!
I'm Superfantastic
Run Like A Mother
Life Is Not Always Black And White
14 Months To 50
Gazelles on Crack
Learning To Be Less
Good Times Van
Living In A Girl's World
Fat Daddy Rants
Well-Rounded Woman
Physicalee Fit
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Back on schedule
So I'm getting back on my training schedule. There are 14 weeks to the White Rock marathon. I'm re-starting my Hal Higdon half marathon training. Today's schedule is a 4 mile run. I walked for a mile with the dogs and then did a 3.56 mile run in 40 minutes and 19 seconds. It was a beautiful, sunny 75 degrees with 37% humidity.
Favorite song in my running mix: Solar Midnight by Lupe Fiasco. What are your favorite running songs?