
Friday, May 7, 2010

The Tale of Two Fishes

I found the coolest thing at Kroger this week: whole trout. There was a package of whole trout that was marked down (it had to be sold by the next day) hanging out in the fish section. I think I've only ever eaten trout once, and that was dog's years ago, somewhere between Perth and Cape Leeuwin. The Aussie and I and some of his old friends decided to drive down to Cape Leeuwin and the Margaret River area for the day. We stopped for lunch after the "climb of my life." I had read about the Gloucester Tree , the world's tallest fire-lookout tree, and knew I had to climb it. It was worth it, but I was sore for DAYS afterwards. Needless to say, I earned my lovely trout lunch that day.

So, where was I? Oh, look. A fish.

Luckily, they were dressed, so I just had to figure out what to do with them. I asked around, got a few ideas, and came up with a parsley, arugula, garlic, lemon stuffing. First things first. Off with their heads. And tails. Then I stuffed them with the herbs, garlic and lemon. I drizzled a little olive oil on them, sprinkled a bit of salt on them and let them hang out in the fish basket and other grill basket while the grill got hot. (NOTE: OIL YOUR GRILL BASKET TOO. I'm a newbie griller, so I didn't think it would stick that much. My bad.)

Bring the grill up to 350, clean the grill, then pop them on and put the lid back down. Set the timer for 7 minutes. Spend the 7 minutes amusing yourself by taking pictures of a dog who doesn't want her picture taken.

"Mom. Stop it. I don't WANT my picture taken."

After 7 minutes, flip them over and set the timer for another 7 minutes.

Spend the next 7 minutes finishing up your lemon butter sauce. Go back outside. Take picture of the sous-chef who's stuck inside.

"Hey. Is it ready yet?"
Take it off the grill, turn everything off, and head inside to serve out. Yum.

Be careful. It's hot! (Yes. I did slightly burn myself...)

See what I mean about it sticking? I don't eat fish skin anyway, but it would have looked prettier if the skin stayed on. I served with rice and roast asparagus, and drizzled the lemon butter sauce on top. Very delicious.


  1. Looks yummy!!! And I love knowing that there's another dog out there who doesn't like the camera! My Aura is such a "pretty pretty princess" but runs and hides every time she thinks the camera is pointed her way.

  2. Yum, this looks delicious. I used to hate fish (had a bad experience), so for years I avoided it. I forced myself to try it again, and I'm hooked!

    Found your blog and it's great! Looking forward to reading it in the future!
