
Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"Any woman who sews or knits or weaves, blends colors in a tapestry or creates a patchwork quilt, knows by the feel that a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the blending, the intertwining with many others makes it strong. Any woman alone without friends to sustain her, to nurture and support, to hold with loving arms, like a single thread is weak. But the weaving, the loving, the nurturing of others, the networks of friendships make her strong."
-- Barbara 1994 The Kinship Of Women

I have never read this book, but I find this quote to be incredibly inspiring, especially after meeting some amazing women on the Fit and Fabulous cruise put together by Shannon.

Thank you all for making me a stronger person.


  1. Oh I just love you! I am so stealing that quote! It is wonderful :)
    Friendship is a gift and I have been gifted beyond measure with all of you!!

  2. Such an amazing quote!!!! Kyra, You and Brad are so Wonderful!!!! I enjoyed the time we spent together....Sharing, Laughing...HURTING (tehehehehe) Together!!! These Bonds we formed will only grow stronger!!!
    I Love Ya, Girl!!!
    Dr. Mo ( @FOOTDR69 )

  3. Thank you for that inspiration. It was Awsom. and so true! Luv ya

  4. This cruise was such a great idea! Wish I could paste myself into the pics and kinda get the experience of being there with you all!

  5. So where's YOUR balloon toy? Don't be saying Brad or I'll have to laugh too hard! Snow shoveling hurts my butts .....
